Courtesy Diner in St Louis, Missouri is one of my and my little sister's favourite places. this post is for my little sister who at 28 years old and 4 months before her wedding was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian cancer. This is very rare in someone so young and has been a shock for the whole family. amazingly her diagnosis went from cancer that had spread all over the place and a definite hysterectomy to potentially a non-threatening form of cancer called Borderline cancer and only removing one ovary (in an intense 6 hour surgery where they did remove all the visible cancer and check every inch of her insides). Hundreds of people have been praying for my sister all over the world and God has intervened and brought about miracles. in a couple of weeks we will get biopsy results that will confirm whether all the cancer cells are Borderline or if some are aggressive cells which will determine if she needs more surgery and chemotherapy. we are praying on against aggressive cancer cells. please join us. i have been at my sister's side through all her doctor appointments and surgery. we are holding close to God and to each other in this surreal time. this is something you think will not happen to you or any one close to you. my sister is an incredibly strong and wonderful woman - full of fun, laughter and inspiring zest for life - facing this experience with such courage, hope and grace. she loves good food and quirky eating venues like courtesy diner. i have lots of happy memories of trips to this diner where we have soaked in the extraordinary only-in-america atmosphere and eaten american pancakes and fry-ups. it is a gem as is my little sis.

here is my beautiful sis at another favourite place - Petersham Nurseries in London. A totally different experience to the diner this place is soul-lifting - full of stunning fresh plants, spaces, greenhouses, homewares, funky beautiful furniture and delicious fresh wholesome and hippy-chic food.