Saturday, 18 February 2012

pasta play

pasta is so lovely and tactile - a tray of it kept my boy entertained for a long time yesterday - we added in a scooping pot... then a handbag..
and some weighing scales
the next day i put my two-year old to work cleaning up the pasta (ie. moving it from one container to the other - a 2yr old heaven)
until she poured the entire lot on to the floor and my son lept in with delight and the kitchen became a sea of pasta! 
 we cleared them all up together (the reward being pasta in the good pasta jar!). I'm just glad you boil pasta before eating it and am hoping no rabbit droppings got cleaned up with it!

1 comment:

  1. HA! Love it and love your ability to roll with the changing ways they wanted to play with the pasta.


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